
Bridgewater State University
Class of 2025
Computer Science Major
Mathematics Minor


Intro to Computer Science
Peer Assistance Leader
F'22, S'23, F'23


8-Bit Adder
SAFETy Computer
Mechanical Integrator


The Bartlett College of Science and Mathematics is a college within Bridgewater State University. It includes majors within Mathematics, as well as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science

Peer Assistance Leading

A required 50 minute period for BCoSM's COMP 151 course.
3 PAL Sessions per COMP 151


By Utilizing Bridgewater State's Undergraduate Research's Semester Grants, I have been able to partake in research opportunities that I would otherwise not have been able to afford out of pocket.


In the future, I hope to be a professor of Computer Science, and be able to spread the knowlege and passion of computers to the future generations